Home of C.W. Crowe

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Author of The Alien Revelation Saga, The World’s EKariboxset cover (2)nd Series, The Reporter, and now, robotdawnLove in the Robot Dawn

Time for a celebration!!  Early Readers LOVE the World’s End Series with over 3000 5000 Kindle Unlimited pages being read per day!

 Welcome to my site!  Feel free to browse and learn about my series of books – The Reporter, Love in the Robot Dawn, The World’s End Series and The Alien Revelation Saga.

All my books are available on Amazon.  The Revelation Saga is great for all ages and readers, the World’s End Series is a bit grittier and probably best for 18+.  The reporter is a mystery/thriller that will keep you guessing, and Love in the Robot Dawn is a scifi love story for all ages.

Also, please sign up for my email list on the left side.  If you do, I’ll send you an unpublished excerpt from an upcoming book.  This one will have nothing to do with science fiction, but will introduce some characters you won’t soon forget!

And, as always, your comments and emails are welcome.

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